Clyde Dillard


User Experience Design


User Experience Designer/Web Developer (full stack) seeking opportunities in UX design and prototype development

Contact LinkedIn Brooklyn, NY @Boolean-Arts (347) 683-5876


General Assembly, New York, NY
UX Design Immersive
New York University, New York, NY
Interactive Telecommunications (ITP)
Towson State University, Towson, MD
BS Mass Communications


2012-Present Cycling
Ride Marshal. Assist riders on local and regional Bike New York and Transportation Alternatives rides

2009 to 2016 EMT
Provide patient care at area special events (NYC Marathon, borough half marathons, etc.)


User Experience Design
User Research
Market Research & Analysis
Strategic Planning
Personae & Journeys User Flows
Wireframes & Prototyping
Usability Testing
User Interface Design
Interaction Design

Web Development
HTML5 PHP MySQL Javascript
jQuery CSS Photoshop Illustrator
EnglishSpanish Read, write, speakFrench Read, write, speakAmerican Sign Language (ASL) Intermediate


2008 - Current Principal Unicorn X-ray/Boolean Arts, Brooklyn, NY

Founder of interactive design firm, providing UX design and web development services
  • Conduct User Research: Surveys, Interviews, Affinity Mapping
  • Perform Competitive & Heuristic Analysis
  • Develop Personae & User Journeys
  • Define MVP Scope
  • Design Information Architecture
  • Build Wireframes & Prototypes
  • Conduct Usability Testing & Refine Designs
  • Full stack web development (PHP, MySQL, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, CSS)

June '07 - April '08Corporate Communications Consultant Newark Housing Authority, Newark, NJ

Showcased Authority initiatives in print, web and video

  • Wrote, produced, directed and edited documentaries on NHA tenants and properties
  • Designed and developed user-friendly IA for public and private web sites
  • Designed and produced print materials and signage for the Authority

April '01 - September '06 Webmaster Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, New York, NY

Web developer and UX designer for Upper West Side synagogue.

  • Designed membership, Hebrew school, special events and innovative fundraising apps.
  • Full-stack developer; created and maintained dynamic e-commerce platform and web presence